Numeric Expressions

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Numeric Expressions
Expression Databox Value Result Comments
Abs -6.20 6.20 Changes a minus to a positive
AsNum + 3 12.34 15.34 Processes the Databox Value as Numeric, with the addition of the sum +3
AsNum +5 Result *6 1 36 Used to change the 'natural' evaluation according to operator precedence where brackets cannot be used. e.g. the Expression: (1) +5 *6, would otherwise result in (1) +(5*6) = 31
Between(10,5) 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 True Can be arranged in any order, e.g. (5,10)
Int 12.59 13 Rounds decimal number to nearest whole number. A number ending in .5 will be rounded to the nearest even whole number.
Mod(12) 38 2 Modular Arithmetic returns the remainder when divided by n. e.g. Mod(2) returns 0 for an even number and 1 for an odd number.
Mod(12) can be used for Clock Arithmetic
Number > 12 "12.34" True Processes the Databox Value as Numeric and asks whether the Value ig greater than the specified number – in this case 12
Number Format("F2") 12.3456 12.35 Will round to specified decimal places (“F2”)= 2 decimal places
Round 12.59 13 Rounds decimal number to nearest whole number. A number ending in .5 will be rounded to the nearest even whole number.