Adding Links to Messages

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Within the message properties; create a button to select when linking to the required document. To do this, insert the wording you wish to see on the button, into the Link Text field:


Now add the filepath to the Link URL field; this must begin with File:////

The folder/file that this field is linking to must be a shared folder that the users will have access to. For files, enter the network path e.g. File:////servername\sharename\filename.extension


When running the scripts the button will appear on the message as follows:


Clicking this button will open the document in a new window. Depending on Windows user permissions, a prompt may first be displayed.

Linking to a Web page

Within the message properties, create a button to select when needing to link to the required web page. To do this insert the wording you wish to see on the button into the Link Text field:


Now add the web page address to the Link URL field e.g.


When running the scripts the button will appear on the message as follows:


Clicking this button will open the web page in a new window.