Orchard Housing

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Revision as of 09:45, 26 October 2018 by Wikiadmin (talk | contribs) (Command-Line Arguments)
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Orchard Housing supply two housing management systems:

  • Orchard Housing GUI (previously Archouse)
  • Orchard Housing WEB (previously Archouse Plus)

This page describes the Orchard Housing WEB product, hereinafter OH . This integration operates via a go-between program. When ready to run a Repair Diagnostic, OH will launch the executable KF_arcHouse.EXE.

The program KF_arcHouse.EXE is a component of the Keyfax Client and is supported by Omfax Systems Ltd. Should any error messages carrying KF_arcHouse.exe in the title appear, these should be referred to Omfax Systems Support.

Within OH, it is possible to configure the command-line arguments that are passed to KF_arcHouse.EXE (for further information on how to define these arguments please contact Orchard Information Systems or see the Keyfax System Administration Guide).

Command-Line Arguments

The following arguments can be supplied:

Item Argument Description
USER CODE /UC: Unique user ID which must be defined in Keyfax (MANDATORY ARGUMENT)
TENANT DETAILS /TD: Name and address comprising Comma separated variables
TENANT ID /TI: Tenant ID (Note: only supported in Keyfax Client version or greater)
TENANCY TYPE /TT: This defines which Repair Diagnostic script set to use
ASSET ID /AI: Optional Asset identifier
COMPANY /CO: Determines which instance of Keyfax to use. If omitted, the default company is used
FILENAME /FN: Location of Export XML filename.
XSLT TRANSFORMATION FILE /XS: Location of file used for XSLT tranformation of export XML. Note that this is not normally a requirement as this is a historical legacy since Inter•View and the earlier KEYFAXI32.DLL version transformation is performed server-side.
DEBUG SWITCH /DB: Defines the debug level. Please avoid setting any value for this parameter unless Support have been advised. Values are '1' (debug to screen) or '2' (debug to file DEBUG.LOG).

An example call might be:

/UC:MJames /TD:"Harry Smith, 1 The Street, Sometown" /TT:1 /AI:12345AR /CO:CO_001 /FN:"C:\Program Files\Keyfax\Export.xml" /XS:"C:\Program Files\Keyfax\Export.xsl"

Accessubg Configuration Details

Orchard Housing Version 2010A07_18

Launching Keyfax

Known Issues