Change Log

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Administrator Tools

Ticket numbers are listed, e.g. KFX-01234-A1B1 and this will usually indicate the item is linked to an original Support issue.

Release History

Change Log
Version Date Details 28/02/2018 KFX-04039-X0D3 Parameterised all report filters

Fix default Topic for Script Report

Clean-up Priority Import error log messages 28/06/2017 KFX-03859-T7B8 / KFX-03944-Z6K9 Fix abort saving message after in-script create/edit (2nd attempt!)

Fix action edit within script edit not clearing lock. Action incorrectly reported as locked to other users and subsequent edit by same user causes error. No ticket.

Fix new (un-grouped) action created within a script edit from initially displaying in script with '<None/New>' as group name. 1/06/2017 Fixed List Question invalid lock restriction message when tab newly opened when any other tab was being edited.

Fixed all (5) 'by Script path' reports to correctly show System and Master script references. Filtering now allowed for 'System' and 'Master' scripts using these names as the Script

Set name. Filtering also only matches equal values but can be entered as '%value%' to match 'like' values. 01/05/2017 Duplicate Admin Login Issue. Fix patched in OmfaxTest.

KFX-02534-S3M9: Added Delete Master button in Hotspot Editor to delete Master hotspot image.

Also fixed error where deleting set level image actually deleted master image!

KFX-03697-T0Q1 For the 'Scripts' report, order the Category & Topic text dropdown alphabetically. Added ORDER BY FullText to stored procedure rpCategoryWithTopic

Added AdditionalFeature CEF_DISABLE_GPU and Chromium Browser Component link in About dialog. Stab in dark targeting WHG Chromium blank display. Note that the WHG issue (KFX-03703-S4H6) was resolved by Group Policy changes to allow execution of keyfaxadmin.exe and CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe.

KFX-03329-P6Z3 Editing databox Group name when referenced in language text by another databox in the same group

Fix error when other admin renames databox, group or expression between creating a new reference and saving the update.

KFX-03702-W6D7 fixed repeated bookmark insertions in BookmarkSelectionPanel. On BookmarkSelect pop-up, ensure double-click selects the item clicked and prevent window close if non-bookmark is double-clicked.

KFX-02560-W1Y0 force Databoxes to be save in a defined group. Databox groups left empty after move to newly created group, are not deleted. No ticket.

Groups referenced after deletion by other admin cause error. No Ticket.

Find references more easily by highlighting the items found items in the References tab.

Various changes to the Summary of Markers Logged Report:

  1. KFX-03725-R3L6: Include records where Marker code was changed or deleted.
  2. Group graph data by ActionCode not Description.
  3. KFX-03586-Q0J7 (1) start/end dates now support time filter as well as dates and shows selected range in report
  4. Multiple markers can be filtered by submitting a comma separated list list e.g. MKR1,MKR2 16/03/2016 Enhanced Admin installation to handle multi-environment installations from shared folder. 19/02/2016 KFX-03439-P2N2: Add configurable Report Timeout and remove duplicated query execution on initial report tab display.

KFX-03462-D6B4: SQL Query Databox - Database drop down always shows "Keyfax" on first entry. 18/01/2016 Simplify Admin Tools installation by adding custom server installation action (allows Master Webservice override). 16/12/2015 Changing Dynamic List's 'Items per page' does not enable the Save button. 09/12/2015 KFX-03407-K0T9: fixed MessagePreview error handling. Was showing error 404 externally, after v4.1.3.3 would incorrectly show pop-up error window rather than reporting error in preview pane.

Clean-up toolbar and workpanel state after error enabling edit. 12/11/2015 Synchronise version no. with Scripting Engine. 24/07/2015 Fix script abort running SQL query with invalid database configuration. Now reports script error.

Also fix SQL Databox to report invalid SQL database error not simply default the 'Keyfax' database.

Added new Audit History report and also Repair Number to relevant reports.

Fix properties on initial save for new Numeric Databox.

Fix save of 'Record' property on both new and update and default new Numeric Databox to Record.

Fix setting 'Record' default to 'checked' on new Questions (Address, Multi-select Check List, Date/Time, Dynamic Select, Numeric and Text types) 03/09/2015 Added CefSharp ChromiumWebBrowser to replace IE WebBrowser component in:Admin Tools

Also fixed issue where using ScriptTest while editing can corrupt bookmarks.

Fixed issue with cache not clearing when launched from test tab.

Fix admin bug where DynamicList AllItemsCheckBox is always checked on entry

Suppress use of "." in databox prefix, name and expression titles.

Added Additional_Info and Repair_No to the following reports:

  • Order History
  • Summary of Markers Logged
  • Summary of Priorities Logged
  • Summary of Services Logged
  • Summary of Tasks Logged 24/07/2015 Double encoding on message preview now backward compatible. Fix question drag to move 30/06/2015 Added databox validation to prevent rename or delete with LanguageText references

Fix error when new Category created with selection image.

Fixed Message Preview with Danish characters in message title 23/06/2015 Fixed splitter distance not being set, also added new logger to app.config (commented out)

KFX-03153-R6R3: Fix question copy/move capability after refactoring error.

KFX-03194-Y2H9: fix error testing with new databox reference and test before saving.

Added Insert Bookmark context menu as requested. 27/04/2015 KFX-03157-K9T4: Fix QuestionSelection abort when list is filtered and handle refresh when filtered.

KFX-03167-C8W7: prevent "From" field validation in MISEmail template (EmailTemplate & EmailTemplateDetails) 04/03/2015 Add utFixScriptStepEndOfSection to manually fix script steps with invalid "End of section" jump.

Fixed issue editing new DBW after creating from within script.

Set Report Manager/Builder buttons to hidden

Saved user set Split container values

Cleaned up scripts report(script set, incorrect DBW)

Stopped report button being cut off

Added AutoScroll to param selection to allow for smaller screens

Changed Order History report(fixed incorrect totals)

Changed Dashboard(priors today nows shows task priors in RD) 04/03/2015 Add utFixScriptStepEndOfSection to manually fix script steps with invalid "End of section" jump.

Fixed issue editing new DBW after creating from within script.

Set Report Manager/Builder buttons to hidden

Saved user set Split container values

Cleaned up scripts report(script set, incorrect DBW)

Stopped report button being cut off

Added AutoScroll to param selection to allow for smaller screens

Changed Order History report(fixed incorrect totals)

Changed Dashboard(priors today nows shows task priors in RD) 06/02/2015 No ticket: exclude Services from duplicate action check.

Local Report Viewer/Integrated Reports to replace SSRS 18/12/2014 KFX-03056-Q4M6 Revise active login check to cater for system sleeping and hibernating

KFX-03051-F3R8 error when launching Help from Admin Tools with no parameters selected

Dragging item onto new System script displays error.

Reference lock for new databox on new system script is never cleared.

System script edit showing question selection list

Displays empty list after adding a new question from within the script.

Script edit allows edit of 'old' script after referenced list options have been changed. 08/12/2014 KFX-02990-Z6Q2 Application object locks are not always cleared when the administrator has logged out 07/11/2014 Fixed error when deleting some options within a script edit.

Enabled option editing from within script to behave as if directly editing the list option. i.e. does not require exclusive mode to edit options if no other referencing script is being edited. 03/11/2014 KFX-02989-C6J7: List option script corruption; editing a list option question from within a script in exclusive mode and changing the number or sequence of options corrupts the script being edited 22/10/2014 Added debug code to GetScriptSetCode (unrepeatable WM issue in 4.0) 16/10/2014 Fixed Delete Script Set aborting KFX-02959-W9W0 Fixed abort with right-click over question option after question is newly dragged onto script

KFX-02971-W3B8: error creating new system script (ScriptItemSelectionPanel.vb)

Fixed ReportViewer background colour 29/09/2014 Fixed issue with Add New Question from within script grid - does not appear in question list 16/09/2014 Removed ref 39: CC message styles to be copied from OL2 due to issues with WebBrowser FEATURE_EMULATION. (Original request 4.1 not implemented).

Also removed fix for ref 97 as not required with original styling and causing problems in FCKEditor in IE10&11. 15/09/2014 Cannot create Service code or Priority code with same code as existing

Scrollbars appearing on messages both in Message Preview and Admin Test tab.

Message buttons not displayed in message test window.

Help button should not be displayed as hyperlink.

Add Another does not process tasks from 2nd request 24/08/2014 Issues when change script type is cancelled by user when there are outstanding edits.

Unable to insert bookmark in any expression

Fix toolbar buttons state after script Restore 21/08/2014 Fix abort when restting Exclusive User.

Dragging item onto script does not correctly report when admin has already been forced off

Fix DefaultRecord operation for all questions when dragged onto script

List Option value should be optional and when blank should use the prompt text

AdminLogin changes to forced logoff processing (sp change only)

Add expression Test button to System databoxes

Configure ScriptType Import / Export from Misc/AdditionalFeatures and hide unused ribbon items

Handle reference locks for ExpressionId (was DataSourceId)

Change databox exclusive lock to only check for DBW references and locks

Add appropriate status message when script item use is prevented by concurrent edit.

Check items in databox write list before use to ensure they have not edited to read-only

Add and Delete buttons are incorrectly enabled when script edit is prevented due to concurrent user edit. 13/08/2014 Calling a custom system script inside the startup script was causing a script loop where the last step of the called script contained an action (in this case a DBW)

Fixed cut-copy-paste shortcuts to work in pop-up editors

Task template displays as blank after save of new template.

Calling a custom system script inside the Startup script was causing a script loop

Added debug trace into admin load process to track down Omfax startup issues.

Don't expect a Category during System Question input

Edit of Task Template to present in Read Only mode

Task Templates to check before allowing edit when running within Base Template

Prevent new Template selection from Base Template whilst another edit is in progress

Apply decimal places validation to DBW quantities

Ensure decimal places change is backward compatible

Current locks are not cleared by switch to exclusive when other admins are forced off. Fixes ref 30.

Fix session recovery abort in OL 30/07/2014 Ensure save button not enabled if related image text is blank. Further fixes. 25/07/2014 Ensure save button not enabled if related image text is blank

Fixed Restore button handling within Address Enable/Mandatory checkbox handling

Ensure that Results updated Priority overrides scripted priority setting over Priority Action in script

Avoid corrupting scripted values when updating Qty/Priority in Results & ensure Audit correct 16/07/2014 Extend ref 30 to refresh current tab according to latest exclusive state.

Fix company values databox validation on 1st value. 15/07/2014 Header row lopped off the top of the grid while editing, opening a new tab (e.g. question edit from within script edit) corrupts the original tab edit state

Question maintenance, draggging question to different category did not copy question properties

Questions tab, heading changed and enabled question type list as appropriate

Inserting bookmarks in eForm Querystring - url styling removed

Suppress expression selection when adding new Databox from script grid with only one value

Adding SQL databox from Script Grid, test window appears behind pop-up editor.

Checklist question not picking up defined asset databox value.

Script grid, fixed helper text display above grid

Fix script grid context menu edit option for DBW

Open references tab is not refreshed when references for another entity are called up

fix abort with GetMaster (also added lock checks and ensure node expanded state is also copied)

KFX-02132-W7T6 Expand/Close buttons unnecessary within CategoryGroup processing

Mainform amended to no longer display User maintenance on Ribbon for non Admin users

Address Enable/Mandatory switch processing amended. Properties binding removed

KFX-02642-K1R7 Add TestExpressions button v4.1 Req 2.3a

Extend standard background colour to all windows

Get / Set Master topic should not appear on properties tab

Prevent save of Topic Related Images without alternative names.

Prevent JavaScript errors appearing within Message Test facility

Quantity amendment during call to allow Decimals to configurable no dps

Right click a conditional databox read (just after dragging onto script) and app errors

Also fixed error inserting new databox onto script when created using inscript pop-up editor and a conditional expression was selected to insert.

Questions created with in-script pop-up editor are not visible in select lists.

Not in script edit item selection list until appropriate item list is re-selected.

Not in Question tab list until question level is changed and re-selected or tab is closed and re-opened

Error inserting new Script Databox as DBW in script. Also, additional validation required:

DBW to validate 'Read only' flag according to script usage

Disable New Script Databox on continuation action

Skip expression selection for script insert New Databox (DBW)

Re-read details for databoxes when dragged onto script. Changes to the option list, the expression conditional flag or the databox 'Read only' flag made before the reference lock was applied could cause incorrect operation and / or corrupt the script.

Add next step 'Submit'. Original request 7.17.

Use tab to navigate all grids

Prefix text does not appear on script when new marker is inserted

add date/time default of -110 / +50 years, with warning if saved allowing both past and future dates.

Automatically create jump to master script on Topic assignment (1st point from original request 7.18)

Also, fixed un-assignment leaving orphaned sgUniqueScriptItem rows and update Category property maintenance for multi-user without exclusive access.

Clicking Edit then lock leaves the Add and Delete buttons enabled and processes them as for Topic properties

Icons in tabs - They disappeared at some point; reinstated

Description changes in the popup editors do not show in the script grid (including group name changes)

Exclusive related login and switching 30/05/2014 KFX-02176-B5L7: Display Master text on Category & Topic set properties when different

KFX-02132-W7T6: Updated Expand/Collapse to recall previous usage

KFX-02177-F8R4: Added confirmation before restoring script changes

KFX-02635-M4J8: and script headings to not reflect in Test mode 16/05/2014 Fix WorkpanelToolbar merge introduced duplicated Edit event

Fix Navigation change to clear current edit was aborting ( not set)

Add Multi-Select checkbox list question

Add Date/Time question

Add Marker action

KFX-02639-F7H8: Message Test facility added

KFX-02237-M0W1: Report duplicate message/task

KFX-02237-M0W1: Report duplicate action codes extended to Priorities, Services and Markers.

Also extended for update as well as insert.

Minor fixes (no ticket)

  • Ensure Asset selection pop-up is on top of script pop-up editor
  • Ensure reference tab is refreshed with latest selection 30/04/2014 Fix setting of background colour (no ticket)

Fix Message preview system error Fix workpanel state when item already locked and report custom message when script is locked out due to exclusive OptionList edit. Fix question default 'Record' when dragged onto script. (KFX-02131-W7Z9) Display custom message when script locked due to OptionList exclusive lock. Fix new OptionList (aborting) Fix question default "Record" 15/04/2014 Major set of enhancements

Tickets resolved:

KFX-02203-R1V6: New admin ribbon menu

KFX-02207-D5W0: Amend exclusive access, by script type with exclusive switch.

KFX-02207-D5W0: Amend exclusive access, eliminate exclusive requirement for option list edit (1st step towards eliminating exclusive requirement). Also prevent concurrent editing of any script.

KFX-02217-Z0L7: conditional expressions to be simple yes/no selection after initial entry.

KFX-02217-Z0L7: allow tab to navigate expresion table columns.

KFX-02182-H3B1: Make message code and description mandatory.

KFX-02237-M0W1: validate task and message codes to be unique with no duplicates across groups.

KFX-02222-Z6S9: current call list to include messages.

KFX-02131-W7Z9: add record checkbox for Num and Txt questions.

KFX-02628-R7T2: change wording of questions (and other entities) 'Name' and 'Display' to 'Admin Display' and 'Operator Display'

KFX-02607-B1W6: change 'Allow freeform text' to 'Enable text input on final option'

KFX-02241-C9N: Numeric input to prompt for number only.

N/A: Present separate checkboxes for Enabled and Mandatory in Address question.

KFX-02614-J9H3: extend character limit on address email (and other fields). Now 100 characters.

KFX-02132-W7T6: Script grid, add expand / collapse all buttons.

KFX-02133-F7Y1: use name to select related image for topic.

KFX-02134-Y2M2: Script grid; keep focus on section being edited.

KFX-02149-C3W1: open script to default to script grid.

KFX-02635-M4J8: notification when topics are set to test.

KFX-02178-N0C0: Uncripted script lists button

KFX-02199-J4S2: script grid; make error guidance more prominent.

KFX-02201-X2N1: script grid; move (and copy) messages, priorities, services and tasks.

KFX-02212-C4Z6: script grid; extend section header colour across whole page.

KFX-02634-C6K5: allow 'Add new' from within script edit to create and insert new items into script. Context menu (right click) provided for available items according to location on script grid whether over the Script Step or Action columns.

KFX-02219-V2W1: double click to present appropriate tab and refresh content to any new selection. Extended to work with questions, databoxes and actions. Edit option available on context menu as appropriate. 29/01/2014 Integrated IVOL and Mobile capability with related enhancements.

Tickets resolved:

KFX-01815-C1D6: task template edit incorrectly inserting new template.

KFX-01812-N6T0: User Maintenance menu should not be available if the users role is not 3.

KFX-02432-V5F4: help link urls to accept UNC format i.e. \\share\etc.

KFX-02298-H4R2: Changing both priority and quantity on the results screen produced an error.

KFX-02530-G9W7: System error attempting to delete a script set that has an alias.

KFX-01861-C8J9: Prevent system crash when clicking tab from dropdown that appears to the left of the open tabs.

KFX-01829-L4F8: Scripted access to Total Cost returned as 0.00.

KFX-01831-W4T3: If script starts with a message, clicking the same topic again incorrectly reports a script loop error.

KFX-01835-S6N5: Prevent multiple export xml transformations with each "Add another".

KFX-01859-J2Z5: Enter a repair request through the test container and the call/similar counts and history tab isn't updated immediately.

KFX-01826-G3N2: If the current question is an 'address', clicking the Feedback button causes an error. 02/12/2013 Ticket KFX-02596-R0M2: fix message button link text and title length. 27/11/2013 Ticket KFX-02591-V8C7: SQL databox - Empty bookmarks allowed does not retain changes. 25/11/2013 Ticket KFX-02591-V8C7: SQL databox - Empty bookmarks allowed does not retain changes. 17/10/2013 Fix topic sequence in hotspot maintenance.

Add Help button to all tabs, Expression Help and contextual help for Questions and Databox tabs. 22/04/2013 KFX-02261-W9T0 Orbit : Adding an MIS letter used email template. 17/04/2013 Version numbering convention change; no functional changes 07/12/2012 Validate length of sql databox properties and enable manual deletion of previously corrupted databox. 27/07/2012 Fix MSCRM task edit page when switching between script types 23/04/2012 Increase expression value size from 100 to 1000 characters. 11/05/2012 Enable admin operation through proxy with default credentials. 05/12/2011 Fix Import error with BmkReferences relation.

MIS Letter template: record edit started on TextChange - KFX-01833-C1K6.

Added configurable External Form Question type. 12/10/2011 Add question move & copy with multi-select drag / drop in question maintenance.

Fix Admin question maint to prevent sorting list options after sorting other script items.

Add Admin startup integrity check for scripts with options out of sequence.

Add Advanced admin options; Show Update Location and Uninstall.

Added admin login integrity check for DataboxValue type script steps with no databox defined. 27/09/2011 Add Task AutoClose option configured by CRM/@autoCloseEnabled=1 02/09/2011 Add configurable new web service databox type. 22/08/2011 Added configurable MSCRM task. 08/10/2010 Selecting same tab from menu while editing no longer prevents other editing.

Issue 166: If you add a Script Data Databox this is not reflected in the Messages 'Bookmark selection'

Issue 241: entering message Title then clicking Preview pane causes error and admin tool closes.

Clicking ‘+’ button in the bookmark list now correctly adds bookmark in the message editor

Add Category selection image for IVOL. 23/08/2010 Added CalTech MSCRM Task integration with external tasks and databoxes. No release Issue 242 Task description not updated in xml No release Fix save of Set Topic properties with no Topic text updates text from Master text.

Fix issue with MessagePreview of messages in other ScriptTypes (not RD/FL)

Fix issue 235 with Add List option causing invalid script loop where question is referenced more than once in a script.

Fix issue 239 with Add List option corrupting referencing scripts where new references are added before any existing reference.

Fix issue 238 error using Spell Check

Added database version checking

Add Admin auto update capability directly from Touch-Base server or local updates.

Added additional script edit logic preventing nested Option Lists.

Extend task template description to 60 characters

Extend expression value to 1000 characters

Added admin Export/Import functions.

Scripting Engine

Release History

Ticket numbers are listed, e.g. KFX-01234-A1B1 and this will usually indicate the item is linked to an original Support issue.

Change Log
Version Date Details 06/04/2018 Fix Chr in expressions from crashing IIS

Setup new YHN startup templates for staff repairs

Fix default value for @imageContainsText, this is now '0'

Chelmer startup/export templates added.

Enable ScriptPath to return a value at any point within a script. 28/02/2018 KFX-04045-T0S7 Created startupRD_OPSL.xml for Osborne Dynamics integration

Provide customisable CustomImage for categoryTopicList

Removed appointments from 1stTouch templates

Added Kirona / Sandwell templates

MIS RD Startup now supports Scheme_Code, LA_Code, Road_Code and Block_Code (to enable launching from Response Repairs).

Fix ClientCheck to pass through guid from KeyfaxWS login (South Tyneside)

Added option for GoogleAnalytics tag capability

Add configuration for OL2 categorySelection images to contain text Archiving now correctly handles duplicate timestamps

Added / updated Capita Open Housing Portal templates (Fortis)

KFX-04136-R0X6 Fix topic double click error

Chelmer export customisation - Flattened ScriptPath and added LogType to OutcomeNotes

All history.SQL templates modified to ignore configurable 'bucket' ids. 06/09/2017 Fix hanging admin processes after close - no ticket.

KFX-03943-R0V4: Fixed references tab refresh when displaying base task template workpanel.

Fix to work with blank Set Level hotspot images

Changesto minimise contention in Reporting

KFX-04026-C6R4: Fixed error in test page with cancel from within script. 28/06/2017 KFX-03945-B9B2 & KFX-03947-V8P7: various OL2 (Repairs/Enquiries Online) amendments/enhancements

KFX-03859-T7B8 / KFX-03944-Z6K9 Fix abort saving message after in-script create/edit

Fix new (ungrouped) action created within a script edit from initially displaying in script with '<None/New>' as group name. 10/03/2017 KFX-03699-F1B9: Handle } and { in databox values in results submission and task processing

KFX-03757-H2K2 Added Class, Contractor_Ref, Work_Type, SOR_Vol and Zero_Value to QL export.

Handle .,} and { in databox names. (No ticket)

KFX-03274-G6W3: Handle encoded characters in bookmark names.

KFX-03244-D6R0: Handle multiple consecutive spaces in bookmark names.

KFX-03769-L6W5 Fix BACK returning to same page when there is a startup script with no questions 12/01/2017 Fix KFX-03815-T8F8 (see BasePage) when startup script does not present a question or message (TRH&WM) and

Alternative fix for OL2 'Add Another'. The original fix (above) was causing the KFX-03815-T8F8 issue. 09/12/2016 Resolve the Compatibility Mode issue (YHN) remove ',chrome=1' from 'content' declaration.

Allow Company Data bookmarks in OL2 LanguageText items on Login page

Fix OL2 Add Another errors both before and after session timeout. 30/11/2016 Fix internal Keyfax task type incorrectly repeating the last external (MIS) task type in ExportTasks. Identified in MIS TIPS integration investigations; no ticket.

Set Options/@suppressMixedKeyfaxAndExternalActionFix=1 to retain original behaviour! 07/11/2016 SUPP|MSG| on Current Call tab.

Also, cleanup uploaded filepath display on Call Details tab.

KFX-03756-Y6B0: Fix Action Plan generation on confirmation page.

KFX-03733-N8C1: Clicking new category/topic was not initialising script again.

No ticket: Configure login summary on results page with ROL/LoginDetails/@enableLoginSummary = 1 (Initially for Glostrup)

KFX-03762-P3P3: Hastoe (via Civica) : Cancel next step causes Keyfax to hang 19/08/2016 SUPP|CONF|... (since v4.1.4.5)

Also, enhance transformation to optionally include StandardMinuteValue. 25/07/2016 KFX-01784-L8N3 (see also KFX-03700-Z3L2, KFX-03288-P6W7) Export character set now configurable in Client/Properties/@exportCharset - default is"ISO-8859-1"

Messages generated on step with 'record' checked cause additional text "|SUPP|MSG|" to appear on recorded text.

Implement new Paths/WebServiceReturnURL/@forceReturn=1 to override startup returnUrl; initially for AccuServe interface compatibility. 17/06/2016 KFX-03625-H7S0: Fix script error with message on same step as conditional databox or 'otherwise'.

Fix topic links in categoryTopicList (no hotspot image); must be full page to display default topic image on next page.

Also, fixed script Export/Import to work with Markers.

KFX-03631-Y1C6: Prevent online links prompting to leave page for Home link and all completed page links including cancellation OK link. 19/05/2016
  • Online changes:
    • Bufferred OL2 summary page display going directly to appointments page.
    • Error going back after skipping file upload.
    • Not clearing previously uploaded image after going back and skipping upload.
    • Other bug fixes.
  • Internal changes:
    • KFX-03576-W6N6 Fix Enquiry pages not showing history counts.
    • Fixed Enquiries history tab layout issue relating to +expand/-collapse tree buttons.
    • Facilitate export of InsuranceReclaim and LeaseHolderRecharge to MIS CRM. 16/03/2016

Created client-specific custom Online startup and export schema templates.

  • Online changes:
    • Fixed cookie page handling after integrated web service login.
    • Handle integration passing ReturnUrl on query string.
  • Internal changes:
    • Enhanced internal Script and SOR import utilities.
    • Clarify client configuration on usage figures. 19/02/2016 Re-worked archiving to rollback transaction on error.

Added Uploads export capability and added {uploads} placeholder to Generic Export schema.

Created CSS Portal startup and export templates.

Fix issue with test container changes to handle OL2, re-using the same GUID! Also replaced fixed FL & RD New request buttons to simply launch a new request in the same mode. 25/01/2016 Fix startup abort with 'optional' start category.

Fix abort going Back from topic select with category pre-selected in startup.

Generic template review and updates.

Enable direct OL2 launch (no login page) from test page. 16/12/2015 Fixed Dynamic select issues:
  1. IE click option does not submit
  1. If select height > window height then
    1. IE, Chrome scroll to bottom of select hiding prompt
    2. bottom of select is obscured with footer 09/12/2015 Add FirstTimeResolution element to QL Repairs and Enquires Export templates. 12/11/2015 Ticket KFX-03364-N4R5: Fix summary page access times click not working in Chrome.

Replace previous fix for OL2 dynamic select list with new solution for Chrome & accessibility.

Fix staff dynamic select list version for Chrome & accessibility.

Fixed unreliable OL2 'Add Another' click, (only evident in Chrome on single iPhone).

No functional or visible change but styled anchor link changed to button which now works reliably.

Also, create separate GUID for repeated requests. 01/11/2015 KFX-03209-D6J3 Make topic selection column width configurable and set min:100px,max:500px 30/10/2015 Fixed issue where accepted file types not showing in non OL2. 28/10/2015 Background task scheduling for usage figures, archiving etc

Also, fixed issue importing ScriptType Categories w/o selection image.

Fix topic search for Chrome and to skip 'leaving page' check.

Fix bug allowing incomplete letter print due to merged continuation.

Fix bug deleting blank To address.

Fix task processing issue where disabled task Submit button was clickable.

Fixed issues with OL2 dynamic select list display

Fix SCH Standalone(SA) launch error.

Fix script abort running SQL query with invalid database configuration. Now reports script error.

Standalone aborting when any startup Topic is configured.

Standalone ignoring configured startup Category when no Topic configured.

Standalone back to Category selection incorrectly enabled.

OL2 Back not working on keyword search results page.

Housekeeping stored procedures redeveloped for use with background scheduler.

Added OL2 javasript replacement for iPhone/iPad select options to fix operation as 'standard'.

Added configuable OL2 header logo.

Added OL2 banner2Content template to allow override of 'self-service in housing' image.

Made OL2 login tooltips responsive and hidden on phone layout.

Added new AuditHistory report and also Repair Number to relevant reports.

Add link to cookie policy text.

Change file upload 'Continue' to 'Skip'.

Fixed address input field tab sequence.

Fixed "No Service" text display on appointments. 03/09/2015 Fixed issue with client check page (with no javascript and translated button values) where device selection corrupted subsequent page layouts

Fix invalid export xml when MIS Action task has encoded xml char in task template e.g. & (Results.ExportTasks)

Additional fix for url decoding (space, @, etc.) values in dynamic list. Extension to original KFX-03204-N6H7 fix in

Added port to log folder to better support multiple web sites on same server.

Fixed error when cancelled on completed page, removed button.

Added Back button into desktop and mobile layouts.

Fix display issue in older browsers where header and nav sections not recognised.

Fixed accessibility issue on Dynamic List options.

KFX-03289-B3S4 & KFX-03434-W5L2: fixed script error going back from message on same step as a conditional expression.

Fixed issue with message buttons positioned off bottom of page.

Change Appointments page to show days at top with appointment slots against rows.

Fix login validation error display. Added new report viewer/new reports Remove 'leave page' confirmation where not required (login, completed and 'expired' pages). 24/07/2015 Added code to close window when Northgate integration completes OK

Double encoding on Message Preview now backward compatible

Fix question drag to move

Language set changes. 30/06/2015 Added address field prefixes translation e.g. 'Fax:'

Added databox validation to prevent rename or delete with LanguageText references

Fix error when new Category created with selection image.

Added language text translation for file uploaded text in script path.

Also fixed Message Preview with Danish characters in message title. 23/06/2015 Fixed Scripts report not showing correct category and topic on links (NO CODE CHANGES, only stored procedure change)

KFX-03166-S9M3: Fix feedback abort when used in startup script and is logged

OL2 issue 40/42: fix attachment file validation and Save / Restore / Edit button state.

No ticket: correct previous fix for KFX-01815-C1D6 which did not correctly handle new attachment / enclosure template(s).


Release History

Ticket numbers are listed, e.g. KFX-01234-A1B1 and this will usually indicate the item is linked to an original Support issue.

Change Log
Version Date Affected Host Integration Details 04/04/2018 ALL Support CallerID.

Fixes to Keyfax Launcher (test program); some previous versions had been failing due to OCX errors. This fix has broken binary compatibility so this will affect any early-bound integrations which we are aware affects Capita Academy and OPENhousing (custom WRX). Previous Class GUID was {60B6DF9A-85E5-4C49-A177-A14FAC58D322} now {E4F93A9C-C214-4CB0-BC40-A58D96C861C3}. Please consult your technical support at Capita Software Services. You should ensure that custom changes are located in the custom folder to ensure they are not overwritten during subsequent upgrades.

Internal use only: CHP, NCC, SHT 22/03/2018 MIS-AMS CRM KFX-04153-G3S5: Keyfax Email tasks (non MIS) should be ignored when sending task data back to ActiveH. 16/03/2018 MIS-AMS CRM Repairs with Tasks for MIS. Ensure that on returning to ActiveH, the Call's Description field only contains the Scriptpath and does not prepend the Description with the Fault Text (i.e. the Note contents). 25/01/2018 MIS-AMS CRM & Others Tracing output to individual files e.g. KeyfaxDebug_JSMITH.log. Set config (e.g.) Debug\@file="1", @folder="\\WebserverDebugFiles$ and CSV list of users in @user="JSmith,GWatson".

Fix issue when company-specific Client Config details not picked up due to wrong case!

In Set Gateway, prevent re-entry as a result of double clicks in CRM 03/01/2018 MIS-AMS CRM & Others Repairs with Tasks for MIS - ensure that ScriptPath isn't written out to the Task's description, so for both RD and ENQ...
  • Task’s Description field contains task details, address, comments etc
  • Call’s Description field contains the Script path

The modification for Repairs+Tasks requires additional Exchange mapping settings.

Increased size of popup window to accommodate wider left hand tree 16/11/2017 MIS-AMS CRM Support for Scheme_Code, LA_Code, Block_Code and Road_Code when Keyfax is launched from Response Repairs. Previously, these codes were only supported in Enquiries mode when launched from CRM (or after script-jumping into Repair Diagnostics from Enquiries). This change relies on updates to the MISexchange configuration & mapping file as well as the Startup XML template (startupRD_MIS.xml). 16/07/2017 ALL KFX-03940-S1D4: Additional tracing to detect relaunching of popup after completion. 04/05/2017 CAPITA HOUSING KFX-03901-V7N0: Additional tracing when launching EXE on completion (e.g. EXTEVENT.EXE)


Release History

Ticket numbers are listed, e.g. KFX-01234-A1B1 and this will usually indicate the item is linked to an original Support issue.

Change Log
Version Date Details 12/01/2017 KFX-03820-G2N6 Blacklist password characters (don't allow any of #, &, ?, <, >) 16/11/2016 If an administrator changes their own password, they were previously redirected to the ContactView login page. 18/12/2015 Refresh left-hand menu after each update (to decrement unread message count)

Expand text input fields. These worked okay in Admin Tools (Chromium browser) but not using IE with ContactView.

Any alerts after clicking the Accepted or Rejected buttons must handle the fact that the buttons are disabled to prevent double-clicking and re-enable the buttons. 29/10/2015 Spaces in concatenated email addresses cause the email validation to report fake errors and it was higlighting the affected fields despite the emails being sent. Modified javascript

to strip spaces from email address lists. 03/09/2015 Updates to support Chromium browser component in Admin Tools
  1. 1. User Add/Edit/Details: Remove tabbed layout and move security settings to foot of page
  2. 2. Delete User: not working

Note that future ContactView upgrades will lose the embedded 'User Maintenance' functions as these will be performed exclusively in Admin Tools. 03/07/2015 KFX-03230-V8T2 Email generated after task creation: Internal server error 500 - this was due to a user logging into CV and accidentally supplying 100 trailing spaces.

Improve performance of OOH outstanding jobs backlog handling.

Where tasks don't have actions/tasks, don't allow them to be reassigned.

KFX-03163-S6B6 Error 500 when attempting to reassign a Repair. With friendly HTML off, this showed as caller_task.asp type mismatch line 242.

PSL - Private Sector Leasing.

SendEmail function. Email address separators could be semicolons OR commas. Needed to switch the address list to commas in order to pass validation

Search for Houseno="COMM" and Address="SYC" returns Sycamore Court in both Tenant and Residential tabs -should only be in the latter.

KFX-03106-W0W4 Rogue timestamp creeping in. This was due to a loss of session data.Fix for 22 Aug 07 - Don't use Session to hold current details (use ohDetail) and align the user/timestamps properly)

Server error' reported when bringing up list of OOH jobs. This was a limitation of the provider or of the selected cursortype.

Format DOB on notification emails as DD MMM YYYY

Changes to suport Street Repairs

Changes to add telnos to search filters:

Handle long user names as they were being truncated.

Extended width of UserLookup from 70 to 100 and extend tables below to suit (635px)

Remove restrictions on CSV column lengths for OPENcontractor

Problems with OOH duplicates - added fix to prevent doubleclicking of Submit.

User, business and task groups now accept background colour on querystring. All related ASP files changes.

Support background colour passed from IV Admin Tools.

Re-assignment emails to carry the EnquiryText when there are numerous tasks (the first task description is typically a 'Not contacted us before' from a startup script) 17/10/13 KFX-01779-B9Y4 If you disabled a user you could not reach their details to re-enable them. This meant that if a userid needed to be re-used, the message 'The User Id xxx already in use...' was displayed. The user list now displays disabled users allowing them to be selected/re-enabled.